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3 Stone Laboratory Grown Diamond Engagement Rings

A three-stone diamond engagement ring embodies beauty and symbolism, with three exquisite diamonds representing your past, present, and future together. This elegant design strikes the perfect balance between sophistication and sentiment, ensuring that each diamond is showcased to perfection.

What is a Lab Grown Diamond?

A lab grown diamond is a diamond that is created in a controlled laboratory environment using advanced technological processes. These diamonds are produced through methods such as Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) or High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT), which replicate the natural conditions under which diamonds form in the Earth's mantle.

Key Characteristics of Lab Grown Diamonds:


Lab grown diamonds have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds. They are genuine diamonds, indistinguishable from mined diamonds in terms of composition and appearance.

Creation Process

Unlike natural diamonds, which take billions of years to form, lab grown diamonds are created in a matter of weeks.

The CVD method involves a carbon-rich gas that breaks down and deposits carbon atoms on a substrate, forming a diamond layer.

The HPHT method mimics the high pressure and high temperature conditions found deep within the Earth to create diamonds.

Quality and Certification

Lab grown diamonds are graded by the same reputable gemological laboratories that certify natural diamonds, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and IGI. They are evaluated based on the four Cs: carat, cut, colour, and clarity, ensuring their quality and authenticity.

Ethical and Environmental Benefits

Because they are produced in a lab, lab grown diamonds avoid the ethical and environmental issues associated with traditional diamond mining. This makes them an excellent choice for consumers who prioritise sustainability and ethical sourcing.


Lab grown diamonds are typically more affordable than their natural counterparts, offering exceptional value without compromising on quality. This allows you to choose a larger or higher-quality stone within your budget.

Choosing a lab grown diamond means selecting a beautiful, high-quality, and ethically sourced gemstone that embodies both innovation and sustainability. Explore our stunning collection of lab grown diamond engagement rings to find the perfect symbol of your love.

The Differences

Lab Grown and Natural Diamonds

Origin and Formation

Lab Grown Diamonds

Created in a controlled laboratory environment using advanced technological processes such as Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) or High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT). These methods replicate the natural conditions under which diamonds form in the Earth's mantle but achieve the result in weeks instead of billions of years.

Natural Diamonds

Formed over billions of years deep within the Earth's mantle under extreme pressure and temperature. They are mined from the Earth, making each diamond a unique product of nature.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Both lab grown and natural diamonds have identical physical, chemical, and optical properties. They are composed of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure, giving them the same hardness, brilliance, and fire.

Quality and Certification

Both types of diamonds are graded by reputable gemological laboratories, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), based on the four Cs: carat, cut, colour, and clarity. This ensures that both lab grown and natural diamonds meet high standards of quality and authenticity.


To the naked eye, lab grown diamonds are indistinguishable from natural diamonds. Both types exhibit the same sparkle and visual characteristics.

Ethical and Environmental Impact

Lab Grown Diamonds

Offer a more sustainable and ethical choice as their production avoids the environmental degradation and ethical issues associated with traditional diamond mining, such as habitat destruction, water pollution, and human rights concerns.

Natural Diamonds

While many companies are adopting more sustainable practices, natural diamond mining can still have significant environmental and social impacts.


Lab Grown Diamonds

Generally more affordable than natural diamonds of similar quality. This price difference allows for larger or higher-quality stones within the same budget.

Natural Diamonds

Tend to be more expensive due to their rarity and the extensive process required to extract them from the Earth.

Availability and Selection

Lab Grown Diamonds

Offer a wide selection of high-quality stones at various price points, making it easier to find the perfect diamond that meets your specifications.

Natural Diamonds

While there is a broad range of natural diamonds available, finding a specific combination of carat, cut, colour, and clarity may be more challenging and expensive.

Sentimental Value

The sentimental value of a diamond often depends on the individual wearer. Some may prefer the historical and natural origin of a mined diamond, while others may value the technological innovation and ethical considerations behind a lab grown diamond.

In summary, both lab grown and natural diamonds provide stunning beauty, exceptional quality, and lasting durability. The choice between the two often comes down to personal values, budget, and preferences regarding ethical and environmental considerations.